This is my personal observation of the world around me- I write this story on my 42 year living. I have always believed in god since I can remember. I have been raised in a Christian household- so my love for Jesus is without question-- in my mind the life of this man/spirit was admirable-and if it is true that god himself would send his closest spirit of likeness of himself to earth- then it should be in our observation to live a life like Jesus in order to be closest to the entity god-
However, I believe god has sent many messengers throughout the ages to every part of the globe- I am fully aware the religion of an individual is predominately set by the living circumstances of their own family. For example- you probably speak your language and religion by the country you were born into and the family practice of worship. I believe any human baby of any race may simply be brought into this world to a particular family which practices a form of worship and speaks a common language within its border-and subsequently this baby will grow into an adult with this language and form of worship.
Thus, I consider myself spiritual-with full acceptance of every religion on this planet. I believe in the common messages in every religion of peace and unity of mankind- if there is anything negative whatsoever written in any holy book- I believe it is false and only placed there by the faults of man himself and it must be removed- for discussions and an understanding of god is one of advanced intelligence and love. My reasoning is as follows- since man began to congregate together and make sense of this world-the conclusions to the successful life of a civilization and race of people are built upon the fabric of unity and peace. Since the early days of Socrates and Plato and so many more of ancient times- it has been intellectual argued that it is far greater to be good than bad in the overall grand picture for a society to prosper and live on. This statement has nothing to do with god yet- for if a race of people must survive- there must be some forms of love such as a belief in peace and unity towards one another in order for it to survive. Now in the 21st century mans level of scientific intelligence and civilization has dramatically increased in which we can easily compare to an earlier time such as early Greece . if one was to read a book of ancient times, one quickly finds that the human condition has not changed at all. We are generally the same type of people as a species- we have the same problems in marriage-friendship-war-politics- as we did then- the only difference is our scientific knowledge and capability to master the elements around us. However, it should be realized one major difference has occurred- the abolition of many various gods. No longer do we believe the Greek gods have precedence over another race of people- nor the roman gods- it seems that time itself has molded mankind’s understanding of the entity god as the creator of all human beings-and not one single race of people is privileged over another but more so we are all created in the image of god equally. But how and why are we to mix this conception of god to civilization of a species called man. The 20th century is an amazing time indeed-man has now scratched at the surface of the dna code of life itself- the beautiful story of evolution and the building up of life itself- we have found an impossible amount of energy bound in matter through e=mc^2- we have been exponentially growing technologically because of a device called the internet- ALL OF THESE FINDINGS BEING DONE ON A TINY BLUE PLANET CALLED EARTH AMOGNST A TRILLION STARS IN THE SKY WHERE TIME HAS NO MEANING AT ALL- it should be readily apparent to the trained eye or even a scientist to draw a conclusion based upon our own lives now and recorded in history the following conclusion- Evolution is true- it probably has done so many billion of years ago-we are not the first to play with dna- but in fact have been told we are made in the image of an entity that has done so before our time- and our purpose on earth is to enjoy this life as much as possible with full respect to every other human being-and if it is within our power and means- to help those less fortunate than us so that they may enjoy their time on this planet- these are the common messages by all spiritually endowed throughout the ages- to ignore it would admit ignorance and an inability to have faith in our fellow man- and here it is- the greatest test of all-FAITH- is this not our only requirement our creator has given us- to believe it is true- we come from something far greater and we must try to live to the standards given to us by messengers- it is true our understanding of this world is relative to an observer for what we learn and observe makes our opinions- and in todays times of television and internet we hear so many stories of others observations- let me tell you when I seen a UFO- an unidentified flying object- it was 1987 and I was studying physics at Kutztown University approximately 40 miles from my place of birth-I love physically working out and the nighttime is my favorite time- it was 11pm and I was in the university football field alone. I was atop a wooden platform skipping rope where the football instructor yells at the players. I was a good way through skipping and feeling the workout- I tell you this because it is not a college party but in fact when my wits were strongest- straight and physically active-thus it would be hard to pull the wool over my eyes- the setting is this; small university town surrounded by many farms- I was on a football field between two main buildings and I faced towards a direction away from the buildings into the football field--after the field about 150 yards was a tree line-after the tree line was a farm field full of corn for miles- it was dark with clear skies and stars in the sky- as I was skipping and feeling very strong I noticed a moving small light to my right in the far off distance- as I see stars in the sky- it looked like a tiny white light the size of as star about 50 miles away-just guessing- and immediately I figured it was a jet in the sky moving- Thus-as I was skipping rope and noticed this small light which looked like a star in the distance and was moving like a jet as I initially thought- it did not impress me at all- my eyes look to the left and then back again AND WHAT I SEEN MADE ME STOP IMMEDIATELY- this small light which I thought was a jet in the distance is now half way to my position- this thing was moving so fast it made me stop skipping rope- in the time span of first seeing it to me reacting was only a second- the time to look right and then left and then back again as I skipped rope- I was in awe- for this white light was not a white light at all- across the field in which I stood and stared-this thing traveled above the tree tops (approx 50 yards behind it-thus from me 200 yards)
This thing was about a third the size of the trees as I looked at it race across my view-maybe 30 feet in diameter- a perfect round sphere red in color- no doors-lines-wings-anything- completely round and a glowing red- like a soft red light on a brake of a car- perfectly round with no tail like a comet- can you imagine how I felt- its not over- right behind it- approximately 50-100 feet behind was a smaller blue one in the exact line of travel as the first- but this one was a third the size of the red one- same as the first in regards to obvious lines or markings on it- simply a perfect sphere of light moving with incredible velocity right in front of me- you can think what you want at this stage- but I will tell you this- I knew immediately this thing was not of this earth- and I wanted to be the first to find it. As I stood on this platform and watched this thing fly across my view in less than 2 seconds and it seemed like it landed approximately 2 miles away at a 30 degree angle- I immediately flew off that platform and into my Pontiac firebird parked about 30 feet away- I WAS GOING TO FIND THIS THING- I zipped out the parking lot of this university with no care whatsoever for wreckless driving as I would want the police to follow me- I drove ¼ mile to the main intersection of the university-made a right onto the main street and continued past the college town and into farms fields-about 2 miles-at least 100 miles an hour- I took a road that beared left as I believed this was the best estimation of its landing( for what it is worth- the majority of my life is hiking extensively in the toughest forests- most of which I do alone- I have a good sense of direction and not known to be afraid of anything at night) my mind was filled with the energy of finding this thing- it took me at least 2-3 minutes to make it here- and needless to say I was pumped- I believed this spot on this dark road was it- I pulled over like a race car driver - it was a small patch of grass area of at least 20 feet wide and then into a small area of trees and an opening behind It as this is what I deduced driving into this area from the road- HERE IS MY FEELING- FROM SEEING IT TO DRIVING OVER TO FINDING IT I WAS PUMPED UP WITH SO MUCH ADRENALINE- AS SOON AS I HOPPED OUT THE CAR AND INTO THE TALL GRASS TO THE AREA I BELIEVED IT WAS IN- MY MIND CHANGED INSTANTAENOUSLY- DON’T GO FURTHER- YOU DID ENOUGH- LEAVE-
I believe I was tested- encouraged in some ways- for what happened to me in 1987 kept me on my initial goals of finding a major scientific advancement for society and there is no question it has done so- for at this stage in my life- I was reevaluating my life- why do I spend so much time on science when most others play-have fun- make money-when most of my mental energies are spent on science- for some goal and dream that was put into me at the age of 17 to continue in science-
THAT IS MY UFO STORY- I bring this up because it is now time to talk of GOD.
1. we have been made in the image of the greatest entity in this universe
2. THUS, TALKS OF ALIENS IS RIDICULOUS-IT IS US IN DIFFERENT FORMS-ARE WE TO CONTINUE TO BE PREJUDICE OF THE EXTERIOR-OR DO WE EMBRACE AN INNER SPIRIT FROM WHAT WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND YET- as we are the privilege species upon this planet of all the creatures- it is us in which we are part of in this universe- our physical life here is a growth period to cultivate our spirituality AND THE OBVIOUS THAT LIVING IS A GREAT JOY-
4. we are here to live and love life in this human vessel –to treat every human being upon our travels with respect and dignity as an equal
5. an age of awareness in technology and observation is clearly evident in the 20th century-the time has come to know our place in this universe
6. there is truth to some of the prophetic messages given in earlier times as to what will happen in the future- this future is now- with the detonation of two nuclear bombs upon civilian cities this century –knowledge of DNA- the advent of media to enlighten people we are the same-a gathering of our forefathers has occurred and spiritual connections are being delivered far greater than any other time-
7. all human beings are the same- we speak different languages and worship in different ways-but this is merely no different than wearing a red shirt as opposed to a blue shirt- WE ARE EXACTLY THE SAME
8. AN AGE OF UNITY HAS BEEN DECLARED BY THE HEAVENS—I am a messenger of GOD- I believe I have been given a commandment by the powers that be for civilization to continue – I humbly respect all human beings and mean no disrespect with this statements - the state of human civilization is to grow with technology- but it must grow spiritually form this moment on for our existence-
MY ROAD TO CONVICTION AS A MESSENGER OF GOD HAS CULMINATED UPON A 25 YEAR ADULT LIFE MISSION TO FIND A SOLUTION FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND I am a scientist at heart- I find myself to be a novelist of sorts in order to uncover myself- I wrote of my experiences in the following book---IT ALSO CONTAINS MY SCIENCE OF NUCLEAR FUSION ALONG WITH MY THEORIES OF HOW ATOMS COME TOGETHER click on this book cover to be taken to book store
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